TCP Gateway Server User Guide

TCP Gateway Server User Guide

Madars Vitolins

Revision History
Revision 1.02017-01MV
Initial draft

Chapter 1. Introduction

This is user guide for Enduro/X TCP Gateway driver. The idea for this ATMI server process is that user can easy create networked applications by using Enduro/X standard package. The user does not have to deal with sockets library. The user program can call in different modes "TCPGATESV" service which in turn will send the framed packets to configured port:ip address. The gateway server supports different protocol modes. List of them:

  1. Active mode - Our side establish connection
  2. Passive mode - We wait for incoming call
  3. Sync mode, request-reply mode - both for Active & Passive
  4. Persistent connections
  5. Asynchronous connectivity
  6. Timely established connections, which are being closed after inactivity period
  7. Multiple permanent asynchronous connections, with load balanced channel choosing
  8. Zero length messages for keeping TCP channel open
  9. Connection numbering from 1..N. The compiled message connection id includes timstamp

The next chapters will describe all the possible operational modes.

Driver opens number of connections. When doing outgoing message delivery the user can specify channel id (by connection id) compiled or not compiled. If channel not specified, then random or round robin channel will be used.

Chapter 2. Design ideas

For round-robin mode available connection sharing channel can be used. Any open connection will submit it’s ID in channel it’s handler. In case of async outgoing the connection thread will put it self back in channel when message is sent to network. In case of sync mode, the thread can put it self in channel list once it is made free. The marking connection as "idle" could be done by some kind of common function.

Chapter 3. Connections: Active & passive

TCPGATESV in maintaining list of open connections wither dialed in our made the remote connection. Enduro/X driver in active mode is attempting to keep the number of configuration connections open if active. During the passive mode it limits the number of open connections set by configuration flag.

Configuration: The passive the mode is activated by type parameter. Value A means active, value P means passive. The maximum number of connections are configured with max_connection ini file parameter.

Chapter 4. Connection modes

There are two major group of connection modes: persistent and non persistent. them persistent are ones when the connection is permanently open. And non persistent is when connection is open only during the request/reply pair.

Chapter 5. Persistent (Active & passive), async one or more outgoing channels

configuration: the async mode with persistent channel can be configured with following flags:

req_reply = false

5.1. EX → NET With out correlation

In case if Enduro/X is calling the network with out correlation, then TCPGATE service is called with tpcall(). The buffer contains following data:

Service TCPGATE receives in tpcall() mode following data:

Request buffer:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - data to send
  • Optional: EX_NETCONNID - optional connection id. The first youngest 24bits identifies connection id, the oldest 40 bits identifies the exact timestamp for connection. If timestamp is is 0, then the connection is taken from non-compiled connection list. If the oldest 40 bits are non zero, then connection is taken from compiled list. If connection is not found, then service will return application failure (with TPFAIL). The UBF field EX_NERROR_CODE will be set to "9" indicating that there is no such connection, EX_NERROR_MSG will contain exact message of the problem.

In case of error:

  • Mandatory: EX_NERROR_MSG - "Connection not found"
  • Mandatory: EX_NERROR_CODE - 9

Persistent connection, asynchronous, no correlation, Enduro/X sends to Network


  • req_reply = false;
  • incoming_svc = Set to Service.

5.2. NET → EX With out correlation

In case if network is sending us a message, and we run in non correlated mode (corr_svc not set in ini). Then incoming message is filled following data, and is delivered in asynchronous way (tpacall(), with TPNOREPLY) to the target ATMI server. The server receives following data:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - received data from network
  • Mandatory: EX_NETCONNID - Compiled connection id


  • req_reply = false;
  • incoming_svc = Set to Service.

Persistent connection, asynchronous, no correlation, Network sends to Enduro/X

5.3. EX → NET With correlation + NET → EX With correlation

In case if Enduro/X is willing to send the message to Network with correlation, then the UBF buffer must contain field EX_NETCORR. If the field is present the once the message is submitted to network, the correlator will be registered in to hash list as waiting for answers. When answer from network is received (or any other call), then message must be sent to correlation service. Which will parse the message and will provide back the correlation number. NOTE: The correlation service (corr_svc must be set in ini). The service have right to change the UBF buffer EX_NETDATA value. So that for example the correlation service have parsed the message and destination service do not have to parse it again. In case if correlation is found in registered list of waiters, then response message is sent to caller go routine (via channel). If the correlator number is not present in answer or the the waiter is not found in the correlator hash list (for example caller timed out), The message with all its content with EX_NETDATA (can be updated) and EX_NETCONNID and EX_NETCORR (optional) will be sent to incoming service in async mode (tpacall() with TPNOREPLY) to incoming_svc service configured in ini file.

Enduro/X-to-Net buffer:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - data to send to network;
  • Optional: EX_NETCONNID - Simple or compiled connection id of connection to send away data.
  • Optional: EX_NETCORR - If provided by incoming_svc service;


tpreturn() in case if found in correlation hash list or tpacall() if correlation is not found in hash list:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - data to send to network. Can be change by incoming_svc;
  • Optional: EX_NETCONNID - Simple or compiled connection id;
  • Optional: EX_NETCORR - If provided by incoming_svc service;


  • req_reply = 0
  • incoming_svc = Set to Service.
  • corr_svc = Set to Service.
  • req_reply_timeout = Set to time-out number. Default 60 seconds.
  • scan_time = This is time in milliseconds defining the period in which special thread in scanning the any open requests not receiving the responses.

Persistent connection, synchronous, correlation, Enduro/X-to-Net and Net-to-Enduro/X

Chapter 6. Persistent, sync one or more outgoing channels

This is synchronous mode, meaning that one request/replay pair is transferred over the channel only one at time.

6.1. EX → NET (correlated by connection id)

In this case Enduro/X synchronously invokes the TCPGATE service, but routine is waiting for answer from the channel. The correlator in this case is connection id. So once some socket receives the message, the list of waiters on connection ID are searched, if some entry is found, then answer is made (data sent to waiter channel). Then connection is removed from waiters list. In case if for incoming connection we cannot find connection id waiter, then if defined, we send the message to incoming_svc if set

Buffer out (to Net):

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - data to send to network
  • Optional: EX_NETCONNID - Simple or compiled connection id;

Reply buffer (or tpcall if connid waiter not found):

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - data to send to network
  • Mandatory: EX_NETCONNID - Compiled connection id;

Buffer in response in case of timeout:

  • Mandatory: EX_NERROR_MSG - "Connection timeout"
  • Mandatory: EX_NERROR_CODE - 8


  • incoming_svc = Optional, If set incoming messages will be sent sent in async (tpacall) mode to this service. Service can later figure out what to do with this message.
  • req_reply = 1 (mode 1 - persistent mode request-reply, EX→NET)
  • req_reply_timeout = Set to time-out number. Default 60 seconds.
  • scan_time = This is time in milliseconds defining the period in which special thread in scanning the any open requests not receiving the responses.

Persistent connection, synchronous, correlation by connection id, Enduro/X-to-Net

6.2. NET → EX (correlated by connection id)

In case of Network sending requests to XATMI in sync mode. We receive request, we shall do the tpcall() synchronous. Wait for answer and send reply back to network. In case of timeout, we do not send anything. The incoming call will get the free XATMI context object (possibly wait for it). Timeout is controller by global Enduro/X configuration flag NDRX_TOUT.

Net→Ex request buffer:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - Data received from network
  • Mandatory: EX_NETCONNID - Compiled connection id;

XATMI Response buffer: - Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - data to send to network


  • incoming_svc = Mandatory, incoming requests will be targeted to this service.
  • req_reply = 2 (mode 2 - persistent mode request-reply, NET→EX)

Persistent connection, synchronous, Network calls Enduro/X

Chapter 7. Non persistent, sync (one connection per request/reply)

In case of non persistent processing, new connection is open on every request.

7.1. EX → NET (correlated by connection id), only active mode

In this case tcp driver must be in active mode. I will open new connection for every request. Once reply or timeout is received the connection is closed. The pool of connections is not needed, but driver is keeping the track of max open connections, if connections are over-reached, then reject message will be passed back to XATMI caller.

Ex→Net request buffer:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - Data received from network

XATMI Response buffer:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - Data received from network


XATMI Response buffer:

  • Mandatory: EX_NERROR_MSG - "Connection timeout"
  • Mandatory: EX_NERROR_CODE - 8


  • Mandatory: EX_NERROR_MSG - "Not connection (failed to connect)"
  • Mandatory: EX_NERROR_CODE - 9


  • type = A (active)
  • req_reply = 3 (mode 3 - non persistent mode, request-reply, EX→NET)

Non-persistent connection, synchronous, Enduro/X calls Network

7.2. NET → EX (correlated by connection id), only passive mode

In this case TCP Driver is running in passive mode. And is waiting for incoming connections. When new connection is established, then new go routine is spawned. Then the call is made to XATMI service. The time-out is controlled by XATMI service invocation.

Ex→Net request buffer:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - Data received from network
  • Optional: EX_NETCONNID - Connection id really here not needed to be passed. But can be added for informational reasons/debugging.

XATMI Response buffer:

  • Mandatory: EX_NETDATA - Data received from XATMI sub-system (service reply)


  • type = P (passive)
  • req_reply = 4 (mode 4 - non persistent mode, request-reply, NET→EX)
  • incoming_svc = Mandatory, incoming requests will be targeted to this service.

Non-persistent connection, synchronous, Network calls Enduro/X

Chapter 8. Connection state tracking

The tcpgatesv will send the state information about each connection - established or not. Connection state data will be sent to status_svc service (if configured in ini). following data is present in status request messages:

  • EX_NETFLAGS - contains the event code. "C" - connected, "D" - disconnected
  • EX_NETCONNID - contains the simple connection id (number starting from 1).
  • EX_NETCONNIDCOMP - contains the compiled connection id (64bit number). Contains simple connection id and timestamp. The first 24bits are simple conn id, the last 40 bits are Epoch milliseconds. Field is present when connection is established (always present). Field also is presnet with connection is closed. Field is not present in "closed" status refresh messages.

In case of server starting up and we are running in active mode (type=A) we shall send for all max_connection the status that connection is closed.

The connection statuses are reported only in persistent connection mode (req_reply=0).

Chapter 9. Zero length keep-a-live messages

If parameter zero_keepalive is set to number greater than 0, then that is the number of seconds for which to each open connection connection zero length message is sent.

Chapter 10. Error codes

In case of service returns failure, for outgoing messages, Enduro/X tcpgateway driver will return error information in EX_NERROR_MSG and EX_NERROR_CODE fields:

0 - Succeed, no error

8 - Time-out (answer not received in time)

9 - Connection not found

Chapter 11. Conclusions

For more details read on:

Additional documentation

This section lists additional related documents.


[EX_DEVGUIDE] Enduro/X Internal Developer Guide.