

CBget — Get and convert to user type data from UBF buffer


#include <ubf.h>

int CBget (UBFH *p_ub, BFLDID bfldid, BFLDOCC occ, char *buf, BFLDLEN *len, int usrtype);

Link with -lubf -lnstd -lm -lpthread


Function is used to get field data from UBF buffer. p_ub is pointer to UBF buffer, bfldid is field id, occ is field occurrence at buffer, which needs to be read. buf is buffer where to output the data. len is used as input for indicating the length of the bytes for the target buffer (buf). If the data is larger than len indicated, then error of BNOSPACE. Then len is optional. If set to NULL, then no such checks are made. len is used for BFLD_STRING and BFLD_CARRAY. On output len (if not NULL), indicates the length of data loaded in bytes. usrtype indicates the data type of the buf.


On success, CBget() return zero; on error, -1 is returned, with Berror set to indicate the error.


Note that Bstrerror() returns generic error message plus custom message with debug info from last function call.

BALIGNERR Corrupted buffer or pointing to not aligned memory area.

BNOTFLD Buffer not fielded, not correctly allocated or corrupted.

BNOSPACE No space in buf.

BMALLOC Failed to allocate type conversion buffer.

BBADFLD Invalid field id passed.

BNOTPRES Field not present.


See ubftest/test_cbget.c for sample code.


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