

tplogqinfo — Query log configuration information


#include <ndebug.h> #include <nerror.h>

long tplogqinfo(int lev, long flags);

Link with -lnstd -lpthread -lrt -lm


Function is used to query information about current thread logging configuration. By default if lev is passed and infos are queried for given loggers (passed in flags):

#define TPLOGQI_GET_NDRX            0x00000001
#define TPLOGQI_GET_UBF             0x00000002
#define TPLOGQI_GET_TP              0x00000004

and if lev is higher, than currently configured, function will return 0. If lev equals or is lower than currently configured log level, the informations are returned. Returned infos may be forced to be returned by TPLOGQI_EVAL_RETURN flag. The iflags of the loggers can be evaluate, and currently supported operation is TPLOGQI_EVAL_DETAILED (in flags), if set, the test for detailed flag is made. If flag is present in iflags of logger config, then return value will contain then TPLOGQI_RET_HAVDETAILED bit.


On success, tplogqinfo() returns following infos in 32bit integer: first 0x0000ffff bits contains the actual logger facility currently in use for matched TPLOGQI_GET logger:

#define LOG_FACILITY_NDRX           0x00000001
#define LOG_FACILITY_UBF            0x00000002
#define LOG_FACILITY_TP             0x00000004
#define LOG_FACILITY_TP_THREAD      0x00000008
#define LOG_FACILITY_TP_REQUEST     0x00000010
#define LOG_FACILITY_NDRX_THREAD    0x00000020
#define LOG_FACILITY_UBF_THREAD     0x00000040
#define LOG_FACILITY_NDRX_REQUEST   0x00000080
#define LOG_FACILITY_UBF_REQUEST    0x00000100

If detailed flag is evaluated positive, then following bit is returned too in return value:

#define TPLOGQI_RET_HAVDETAILED     0x00010000

The current debug level for given logger is returned in oldest 8 bits of the return value, i.e. extracted in mask 0xff000000.

On error, -1 is returned, with Nerror set to indicate the error.


Note that Nstrerror() returns generic error message plus custom message with debug info from last function call.

NEINVAL Invalid flags passed to function. None of TPLOGQI_GET_NDRX, TPLOGQI_GET_UBF or TPLOGQI_GET_TP are present.


See ubftest/test_nstd_debug.c for sample code.


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