

tpadmsv — Enduro/X administrative server.


tpadmsv [OPTIONS]


This is XATMI server which provides tm_mib(5) interface backend. On request, server process collects various system information, prepares the cursor (stored in memory) and provides the response back to caller. Currently only GET and GETNEXT operations are supported. The server process is optional for Enduro/X and is used only to provide a solid framework for gathering system information. tpadmsv collects information from following system parts:

  • ndrxd(5) requests the information about processes (such as xadmin ppm), services (such as xadmin psc).
  • open queues - reads the list of IPC queues to extract the service information.
  • shared memory - to extract the information about services, client processes (such as cpmsrv(5))

Every instance of tmadmsv will advertise following list of services:

  1. .TMIB - command load balanced service for informational services. This is not exported over the tpbridge(8).
  2. .TMIB-<NODE ID> - used for initiating the requests over the tpbridge(8).
  3. .TMIB-<NODE ID>-<SERVER ID> - particular instance for fetching the next window of cursor data.

Each cursor returned from the tmadmsv encodes the the exact instance service number i.e. service 2. Thus when fetching the next portion of data, normally .TMIB service is called. If instance receive the cursor from other instance, the message is forwarded to exact service name.


This is max number of cursors allowed for process to create. If number of open cursors is greater than this number, the TAELIMIT error is returned. The default value is 100.
This is buffer size in bytes in which reply data window is loaded. When data is being loaded into reply buffer, cursor fetching algorithm ensures that before loading object into buffer, the buffer free size is object size multiplied by 2 plus 1152 bytes. Default value is 4096 bytes.
Number of seconds to keep un-fetched cursors in memory. After this time the cursor is zapped. Un-fetched cursors usually appears due to user program error where fetch is not done till the end. The default value is 30 seconds.
Un-fetched cursor sanity scan time. Interval into which tests are made for the cursors. The default value is 15 seconds.




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