

xmemck — Enduro/X Memory Checker-leak detector


xmemck [OPTIONS]


xmemck tool is used internally by Enduro/X testing suite. The tool is started before running XATMI level tests. The tool scans the process memory usage over the time. When scanned processes are finished, tool takes some range of the Virtual Memory (VSZ) and Resident Memory (RSS) values of the snapshots (made at certain intervals) and compares average of the first halve with average of the second halve. If the increase in second halve are bigger then defined percentage, then memory leak is reported for the binary.

The monitored binaries are selected by regular expressions passed to the command line. Also for different expressions different percentage settings can be used with different monitoring parameters. The command line arguments might be repeated thus at every -m the new monitoring set is produced. For monitoring processes are selected by ps -ef output matched against regexp.

Also it is possible to disable some keywords by regular expressions too. The xmemck can be terminated with SIGTERM.


Number of seconds to scan for new processes and read existing processes VSZ and RSS. Default is 1 second.
This is percentage to allow to increase between to halve average memory usage. Default is 5 percent.
This is number of percents taken from the total pool of process running snapshots, to be marked as start of the first halve. For example if process have run for 180 seconds, -p = 1 then we have 180 snapshots of data. If -s is set to 40, then first halve is calculated from 72 sec. Default is 40.
This is ending percentage of the snapshots used for average halving. For example if runtime was 180 sec, start (-s) was 40 and stop (-t) is 90, then we get following setup: average counting from 72 sec till 162 sec. Total 90 snapshots, first halve 72..117 and ending 118..162.
If set, then when xmemck is selecting the processes for monitoring the given ps -ef line must not match the -n parameter. If matches, then process is not monitored.
Minimum number of values to use in one halve. If the number of snapshots is less than this number for the halve, then memory leak detection is not performed on this process.
Regex mask used for process selection from ps -ef output. If line matches the given expression, then PID is extracted and binary is monitored at -p interval for VSZ and RSS.


Sample run of the binary:

$ xmemck -v20 -d30 -s60 -t95 -n 'atmiunit1|tpbridge|tmsrv' -m atmi -d70 -m tpbridge -m tmsrv 2>./memck.log 1>./memck.out &

The given example monitors following:

  • (-v20) Min values 20
  • (-d30) Allow delta 30%
  • (-s60) Start at 60% of the runtime snapshots
  • (-t95) Stop calculating averages of the 95% of snapshots
  • (-n atmiunit1|tpbridge|tmsrv) Do not match atmiunit1, tpbridge or tmsrv
  • (-m atmi) Match "atmi"
  • (-d90) Change delta to 70 for next match
  • (-m tpbridge) Monitor process named tpbridge
  • (-m tmsrv) Monitor process named tmsrv

When leak is detected, the following infos is printed to stdout:

>>> LEAK pid=8605! rss: 21766 -> 32712 (+33.461727%), vsz 25412 -> 36337 (+30.065773%): [mvitolin  8605  7319  0 22:05 pts/17   00:00:00 ./a.out]




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