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tpbroadcast — Broadcast unsolicited messages to matched XATMI clients


#include <atmi.h>

int tpbroadcast(char *lmid, char *usrname, char *cltname, char *data, long len, long flags);

For XATMI client link with -latmiclt -latmi -lubf -lnstd -lpthread -lrt -lm

For XATMI server link with -latmisrv|-latmisrvnomain|-latmisrvinteg -latmi -lubf -lnstd -lpthread -lrt -lm


Function is used for sending unsolicited message to multiple clients at once. The target clients can be matched by following options:

  • lmid Cluster node id to send the message to. If field is set to empty string (first byte 0x00) then any cluster node id is matched. If string value is given then numeric value is expected and is matched against the connected cluster nodes. Either local or remote. This field can be set to regular expression, in that case flags should contain the TPREGEXMATCH. Maximum statement length is MAXTIDENT*2-1.
  • usrname is reserved for future use. Currently not supported.
  • cltname is process name (executable name) that should be matched. If cltname is NULL or empty string, then it is matched. If string is given then exact executable is matched for delivery. If binary runs in multiple copies, all of them will receive notification. The field can be set to regular expression, in that case flags must contain TPREGEXMATCH. The max length of cltname string can be MAXTIDENT*2-1.

Any combination is possible between lmid and cltname. Any matched process that will fulfill the matching requirements will receive the message.

The data sent in broadcast is set in variable data which is XATMI buffer allocated by tpalloc(3) (or auto buffer). The complementary len is used only for buffer types which do not contain length descriptor internally (i.e. CARRAY buffer type).

The data field can be NULL. In this situation matched client callbacks will be called, but no data will be sent to client.

In case when lmid is matched on another node, then full broadcast request with all parameters are sent to remote machines @TPBROADNNN service (advertised by tpbrdcstsv(8)). When dispatched, the remote @TPBROADNNN will process the local matchings of the clients processes and will do the broadcast locally.

Valid flags

TPNOBLOCK Do not block on full client queue, instead return error.

TPNOTIME Do not timeout when waiting on full queue (TPNOBLOCK is not set).

TPSIGRSTRT Restart the system call in progress if interrupted by signal handler. This affects only underlaying mq_* function calls.

TPREGEXMATCH Match lmid (cluster node id) and cltname by assuming that these are regular expressions.


On success, tpbroadcast() return zero; on error, -1 is returned, with tperrno set to indicate the error.


Note that tpstrerror() returns generic error message plus custom message with debug info from last function call. Note that Enduro/X does not analyze the errors returned by each individual delivery to the client process, thus the function will try to delivery to all of the clients the notification. If some of them were exited or for example client reply (delivery) queue was full and TPNOBLOCK was set or TPNOTIME was not set, then error is logged to Enduro/X ndrx logger and ULOG, but tpbroadcast(3) will return success.

TPEINVAL Environment variables not configured, see ex_env(5) page, or invalid parameters have been passed to the function, for example clientid, lmtid or username are set and they are invalid regular expressions (i.e. with TPREGEXMATCH set).

TPESYSTEM System failure occurred during serving. See logs i.e. user log, or debugs for more info.

TPEOS System failure occurred during serving. See logs i.e. user log, or debugs for more info.


See atmitest/test039_tpbroadcast/atmiclt39.c for sample code.


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