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expyld — Enduro/X Python code to executable linker


expyld [OPTIONS]


expyld is Enduro/X Python linker tool. The tool is used to compile given Python script source files and packages into single executable binary. Python version supported in 3.6 or later. expyld produces single binary executables and for executable production, C compiler. expyld generates C code with embedded compiled python bytecode and generates startup code which hooks package loader so that any imports are firstly tested against linked python modules and only after that fallback to system packages is done.

Linker support embedding of the main module. With the main module, full main module directory is embedded. Additionally packages to embed are added by the -i (include) flag. Linker does not scan any binaries for any specific includes to have. All the packages to include must be specified by the hand to the linker command line.

If package to include has resource files (i.e. extension other than *.py or *.pyc), error is thrown and linking is stopped, due to fact that inclusion of resource files for the package are not supported. However ignore flag -n can be passed to the compiler to suppress the exception and continue just with the warning. However if package loads resource files during the runtime, there might be an error, as if binary is shipped without installed dependencies on the disk (which is main purpose of this tool - not to ship/download the dependencies separately), the resources would not be available.

Package/module resolve principles:

1) Modules from the main directory have higher precedence over the packages.

2) However, if in the script main directory there is module with the same name as the package in the main directory, then package is loaded, but module not.

3) When including package, which has the module with the same name as the sub-package, the sub-package is included, but module not.

When loading individual modules, they are linked in following way/order:

1) If source code is available (*.py), it is compiled to the byte code and included in the binary.

2) If in the package directory there is compiled version of the module (*.pyc), it is read and included in the binary.

3) If none of above works, cached version (typically from pycache) is attempted to link.


Optional environment variable indicating which C compiler to use. If parameter is not set, the cc command is used.
Optional C flags to be passed to C compiler during the buildserver execution.
Optional Enduro/X home directory, where to search for the include sub-folder and library folder.


This is filename of the main module.
This is name of output binary.If not specified then a.out is used.
List of packages or modules to include in the binary. The include my point to sub-package. However linker will discover and include from any parent packages automatically. Parameter any be present several times.
Ignore resource errors if found.
Keep temporary C file on the disk.
Print usage.




See tests/test006_expyld/ for sample usage.


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