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Bextreadcb — Restore the buffer from printed text received from callback function


#include <ubf.h>

int Bextreadcb (UBFH * p_ub, long (*p_readf)(char *buffer, long bufsz, void *dataptr1), void *dataptr1);

Link with -lubf -lnstd -lm -lpthread


Restore the buffer from text populated by Bprint(3), Bprintf(3) or Bprintfcb(3).

The read format is "[COMMAND]<FIELD><TAB><VALUE><NEW_LINE>". Input also support fields by id, then format for <FIELD> is "((BFLDID32)<FIELD_ID>)".

Sample buffer:

T_SHORT_FLD     1765
T_LONG_FLD      3333111
T_LONG_FLD      2
T_FLOAT_FLD     1.33000
T_DOUBLE_FLD    1111.220000
T_DOUBLE_FLD    333.000000
T_DOUBLE_FLD    444.000000
T_CARRAY_FLD    \00\01\02\03HELLO BINARY\04\05\00\\
((BFLDID32)167772261)   HELLOSVC

p_ub is buffer to write the data to, p_readf is function from which to read the line by line data. Each call to callback shall return zero terminated line with exactly one field, value and newline in the end. The bufsz denotes the buffer size of buffer, where data shall be put. In case if success, the p_readf must return number bytes written to buffer. At the end of the buffer, the p_readf must return 0. In case of error, callback function shall return -1. The dataptr1 passed to Bextreadcb() is forwarded to callback function and is meant to be used by user specific purposes. Field is optional and may be set to NULL, if not used by callback.

Input format supports also macro commands. This is optional COMMAND block, that can have following values:

+ set the field value at occurrence 0.

- delete field from buffer.

= copy the field value from field name which is stored at <VALUE>.

# comment, line ignored

For example:

# Set the field value
T_SHORT_FLD     123
# Copy the value from T_SHORT_FLD to T_LONG_FLD
# Change the occurrence 0 to 444
+T_SHORT_FLD    444

The final buffer will be:

T_SHORT_FLD     444
T_LONG_FLD      123

This format is used by ud(8) command line utility which allows to send arbitrary buffer to specified service.


On success, Bextreadcb() return zero; on error, -1 is returned, with Berror set to indicate the error.


Note that Bstrerror() returns generic error message plus custom message with debug info from last function call.

BALIGNERR Corrupted buffer or pointing to not aligned memory area.

BNOTFLD Buffer not fielded, not correctly allocated or corrupted.

BEINVAL p_readf is NULL.

BSYNTAX Missing tab between field id or missing newline.

BBADNAME Field not found in field table.


See ubftest/test_print.c for sample code.


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