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tpdequeue, tpdequeueex — Dequeue message form persistent storage (from manual queue)


#include <atmi.h>

int tpdequeue (char *qspace, char *qname, TPQCTL *ctl, char **data, long *len, long flags);

int tpdequeueex (short nodeid, short srvid, char *qname, TPQCTL *ctl, char **data, long *len, long flags);

For XATMI client link with -latmiclt -latmi -lubf -lnstd -lpthread -lrt -lm

For XATMI server link with -latmisrv|-latmisrvnomain|-latmisrvinteg -latmi -lubf -lnstd -lpthread -lrt -lm


Dequeue message from transactional persistent message queue. Message queue subsystem (see tmqueue(8) and persistent_message_queues_overview(guides)) must be configured before using this function. qspace is queue space name (logical queue sub-system name, that can be shared between multiple tmqueue servers). qname is queue name, ctl is control structure that contains various details for message, how it shall be dequeue and additional meta data. Also ctl returns diagnostics information in case of error. data/len pair is XATMI buffer to which dequeued message must be written. Buffer will be reallocated accordingly to match the message type in queue. tpdequeueex() allows to specify exactly which tmqueue server will process the request, by giving the Enduro/X cluster node id in nodeid field and srvid from *ndrxconfig.xml(5).

Functions are transactional and can participate in user’s global transaction. It is not possible to enqueue and dequeue message within same global transaction.

In case of error, global transaction (if associated with current thread) is marked for abort, except if TPNOABORT flag was specified or particular error code indicates that global transaction is not marked for abort.

Valid flags

TPNOTRAN Do not run the equeue in the users global transaction. In this case tmqueue will open it’s own transaction, and will commit transaction upon return.

TPSIGRSTRT Restart the system call in progress if interrupted by signal handler. This affects only underlying mq_* function calls.

TPNOTIME Ignore timeout setting (NDRX_TOUT env variable). Wait for reply for infinitely.

TPNOCHANGE Do not allow to change the buffer type if buffer type in message queue does not match the buffer type passed into data field.

TPNOBLOCK In case of queue server request, if request IPC queue is full, do not wait on queue, but return error. The error code for this situation is TPEBLOCK. This affects only request part of the call. This flag does not affect waiting for response from the TMQ server.

The TPQCTL structure is following:

/* Queue support structure: */
struct tpqctl_t
        long flags;             /* indicates which of the values are set */
        long deq_time;          /* absolute/relative  time for dequeuing */
        long priority;          /* enqueue priority */
        long diagnostic;        /* indicates reason for failure */
        char diagmsg[NDRX_QDIAG_MSG_SIZE]; /* diagnostic message */
        char msgid[TMMSGIDLEN]; /* id of message before which to queue */
        char corrid[TMCORRIDLEN];/* correlation id used to identify message */
        char replyqueue[TMQNAMELEN+1];  /* queue name for reply message */
        char failurequeue[TMQNAMELEN+1];/* queue name for failure message */
        CLIENTID cltid;         /* client identifier for originating client */
        long urcode;            /* application user-return code */
        long appkey;            /* application authentication client key */
        long delivery_qos;      /* delivery quality of service  */
        long reply_qos;         /* reply message quality of service  */
        long exp_time;          /* expiration time  */
typedef struct tpqctl_t TPQCTL;

Valid TPQCTL.flags

TPNOFLAGS No flags set.

TPQGETBYCORRID Use the correlator ID in TPQCTL.corrid to get the message by. Note that each byte in corrid is significant. The corrid basically denotes the sub-queue for given qname. If there are messages in queue, but not for given corrid, then standard QMENOMSG error code is returned. Message ordering is applies the same as for normal queue.

TPQGETBYMSGID Use the message ID in TPQCTL.msgid to get the message by. Note that each byte in msgid is significant.

TPQPEEK Return the message from queue by not actually removing it.

TPNOABORT Do not abort global transaction, even if queue failed (could be suitable in cases when for example polling on Q is done (request for next msg and queue is empty).

Fields TPQCTL.deq_time, TPQCTL.priority, TPQCTL.urcode, TPQCTL.appkey, TPQCTL.delivery_qos, TPQCTL.reply_qos, TPQCTL.exp_time are reserved for future use. TPQCTL.cltid is set to client id string which enqueued the message.


On success, tpdequeue() return 0; on error, -1 is returned, with tperrno set to indicate the error. Also TPQCTL.diagnostic and TPQCTL.diagmsg will contain additional information.


Note that tpstrerror() returns generic error message plus custom message with debug info from last function call.

TPEINVAL data is NULL, qspace is NULL, or nodeid and srvid is 0. Error can be generate in case if qname is empty or NULL. ctl is NULL or data does not point to tpalloc() allocated buffer.

TPENOENT tmqueue(8) server is not available. Global transaction is not marked for abort only,if one was associated with current thread.

TPETIME Service did not reply in given time (NDRX_TOUT).

TPEDIAGNOSTIC More information is provided in TPQCTL.diagnostic field.

TPESVCFAIL tmqueue(8) Service returned TPFAIL. This is application level failure.

TPESVCERR tmqueue(8) service got system level failure. Server died during the message presence in service queue.

TPESYSTEM Enduro/X internal error occurred. See logs for more info.

TPEOS System failure occurred during serving. See logs i.e. user log, or debugs for more info.

TPEBLOCK XATMI IPC Service request queue was full and TPNOBLOCK flag was specified. Global transaction is not marked for abort only, if one was associated with current thread.

TPETRAN Failed to join global transaction.

Values for TPQCTL.diagnostic

QMEINVAL Invalid request buffer. Global transaction is not marked for abort only, if one was associated with current thread.

QMEOS Operating system problems. Might be insufficient memory.

QMESYSTEM Enduro/X internal problems. Might be issues with saving messages to disk.

QMENOMSG No messages in queue. Global transaction is not marked for abort only, if one was associated with current thread.

QMEBADQUEUE Queue not defined and default (@) queue settings are not defined too. Global transaction is not marked for abort only, if one was associated with current thread.


See atmitest/test028_tmq/atmiclt28.c for sample code.


Report bugs to


tpdenqueue(3) tpenqueueex(3) tmqueue(8) persistent_message_queues_overview(guides)


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