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CBvchg — Convert from user type and change field value in VIEW field


#include <ubf.h>

int CBvchg(char *cstruct, char *view, char *cname, BFLDOCC occ, char *buf, BFLDLEN len, int usrtype);

Link with -lubf -lnstd -lm -lpthread


Function is used to set field data dynamically to VIEW buffer field. cstruct is pointer to C structure instance (object), view is name of the VIEW (must match the instance of the object), occ is field array occurrence, if field is not an array or first array element must be set, then use occ=0. buf is buffer where to take user data from. len is used for indicating the length of the bytes of the target buffer (buf) size in bytes. If field size in VIEW is shorter than data putting to, then BNOSPACE error is returned. len is used only for BFLD_CARRAY fields. usrtype is user type indicating the data type of the buf, if types are different, the automatic data conversion is performed. And VIEW matched data is installed in the cstruct field offset. If current array C_ (count) field is less than occurrences, then C_ count field is adjusted accordingly to have the occurrence included in the count range.


On success, CBvchg() return zero; on error, -1 is returned, with Berror set to indicate the error.


Note that Bstrerror() returns generic error message plus custom message with debug info from last function call, stored in thread local storage (TLS).

BEINVAL view, cstruct or buf is NULL. view or cname is empty string (first byte 0x00). Or occurrence is out of bounds of the array declaration.

BBADVIEW invalid view name (not found in view file).

BNOCNAME field name (cname) not found in view structure.

BNOSPACE No space in view field to install data (data larger than field size).

BMALLOC Failed to allocate type conversion buffer.


See atmitest/test040_typedview/vaccset.c for sample code.


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