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tpsubscribe — Subscribe to event


#include <atmi.h>

long tpsubscribe (char *eventexpr, char *filter, TPEVCTL *ctl, long flags);

Link with -latmisrv|-latmisrvnomain|-latmisrvinteg -latmi -lubf -lnstd -lpthread -lrt -lm


Subscribe to event. This is API function for Enduro/X event broker services. In order to get the functionality working, then event server must be started and configured. See tpevsrv(8) manpage. eventexpr is regular expression syntax based expression which is registered into event broker, so that if it is matched then event is posted to service, written in ctl→name1 field. Note that many servers with the same service can subscribe to same event. All server’s services will receive the event. filter is boolean expression for UBF or regular expression for STRING buffer which are extra expression to be tested on the event data buffer prior event deliver. If filter is true or NULL, then event is posted to service.

The TPEVCTL structure is following:

struct tpevctl_t
    long flags;
    char name1[XATMI_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH+1];
    char name2[XATMI_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH+1];
typedef struct tpevctl_t TPEVCTL;

ctl→name2 is reserved for future use.

NOTE: that if multiple server binaries are advertising some service lets say "MYSVC" and event is subscribed for any of the server binaries, then if event is triggered, it will be delivered to "MYSVC" service as a one message. There is guarantee to which copy message will pass. Thus if all servers needs to be notified with the event, each server shall advertise unique server name and subscribe it to particular event. In that case matching event will be delivered to all interested executables. For example:

int tpsvrinit(int argc, char **argv)
    TPEVCTL evctl;
    char svcnm[XATMI_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH+1];

    snprintf(svcnm, sizeof(svcnm), "MYSVC_%d", tpgetsrvid())

    if (EXSUCCEED!=tpadvertise(svcnm, MYSVC))
        NDRX_LOG(log_error, "Failed to advertise %s!", svcnm);
        goto out;

    memset(&evctl, 0, sizeof(evctl));

    NDRX_STRCPY_SAFE(evctl.name1, svcnm);

    /* Subscribe to event server */
    if (EXFAIL==tpsubscribe("EVTEST", NULL, &evctl, 0L))
        NDRX_LOG(log_error, "Failed to subscribe to EVTEST: %s",
        goto out;

    return ret;

Valid flags

TPSIGRSTRT Restart the system call in progress if interrupted by signal handler. This affects only underlying mq_* function calls.

TPNOTIME Ignore timeout setting (NDRX_TOUT env variable). Wait for reply for infinitely.

Valid ctl→flags

TPEVSERVICE Call the service. Note that service will be called with flags which are present at ctl→flags | TPNOREPLY.

TPEVPERSIST Do not remove service for event brokers registry, if service is not available any more (detected at point tpcall() to service failed).

This function is available only for XATMI servers.


On success, tpsubscribe() return subscription id; on error, -1 is returned, with tperrno set to indicate the error.


Note that tpstrerror() returns generic error message plus custom message with debug info from last function call.

TPEINVAL Invalid parameter is given to function. Event expression is NULL or empty. Event expression is longer than 255 bytes, ctl is NULL, or clt→name1 is empty or filter is set and longer than 255 bytes.

TPENOENT Event server is not available.

TPETIME Service did not reply in given time (NDRX_TOUT).

TPESVCFAIL Service returned TPFAIL. This is application level failure.

TPESVCERR System level service failure. Server died during the message presence in service queue.

TPESYSTEM System failure occurred during serving. See logs i.e. user log, or debugs for more info.

TPEOS System failure occurred during serving. See logs i.e. user log, or debugs for more info.


Report bugs to


See atmitest/test004_basicevent/atmisv4_1ST.c for sample code.


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