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buildtms — Build transaction manager server


buildtms [OPTIONS]


This binary is used for building transaction manager which has the linked in XA switch variable name. Otherwise the binary is the same as the tmsrv(8). Also the Enduro/X XA init procedure is standard one, and XA init procedure starts with loading shared library loading from the NDRX_XA_DRIVERLIB env variable (see ex_env(5)).

Thus for this kind of built-in XA switches, libndrxxatmsx(8) driver must be used.

To link-in the XA switch, the output server is main is generated and compiled during the buildtms run.

The command line template, how C compiler is invoked, is following:

<CC> [$CFLAGS] -o <binary_name> <generated_source>.c [-I<$NDRX_HOME>/include
-L<NDRX_HOME>/{lib|lib64}] [<RM_libs>] -latmisrvinteg -latmi -lubf -lnstd

All file system path related buffers internally are set to 5120 bytes + EOS byte, thus for example if build command is longer than 5120, it will be truncated to 5120.


Optional environment variable indicating which C compiler to use. If parameter is not set, the cc command is used.
Optional C flags to be passed to C compiler during the cc execution. There is set of compiler flags that are required for certain platforms and compilers. see "PLATFORM SPECIFIC COMPILER FLAGS" section in buildserver(8) program manpage for these requirements.
Optional environment variable indicating the Enduro/X installation home. If variable is set then, "-I$NDRX_HOME/include" and "-L$NDRX_HOME/lib" (or lib64) is added to the cc command line.


COBOL mode. Reserved for future use.
-o filename
Output binary file name.
[-r rm_name]
This is resource manager name. The resource manager according the specified name shall be configured in $NDRX_RMFILE (first priority) or $NDRX_HOME/udataobj/RM file. The file format is following rm_name:xa_switch_name:<compiler libraries>. If specified, then xa_switch_name is included in the process. Thus later libndrxxatmsx(8) XA driver can be used (set in NDRX_XA_DRIVERLIB env var, see ex_env(5)), so that driver resolves built in symbols. Compiler libraries from resource manager are passed in command line after the first files. If switch name is not specified, then default null switch tmnull_switch is reference (present in libatmi). File format is described in buildserver(8) manpage.
Keep the the generate source code with the main function. If not set, the file is deleted when buildtms finishes.
Verbose mode. This will print the build command to stderr.
Print the help.


See atmitest/test071_buildtools/ for samples. Some of them:

$ export CC=cc
$ export CFLAGS="-g -I../../include -L../../libatmi -L../../libubf -L../../tmsrv -L../../libatmisrv -L../../libexuuid -L../../libexthpool -L../../libnstd"

$ buildtms -k -o tmstest -rTestSw -v

That would result in following compilation unit:

$ cc -I../../include -L../../libatmi -L../../libubf -L../../tmsrv -L../../libatmisrv \
 -L../../libexuuid -L../../libexthpool -L../../libnstd -o tmstest ndrx_tms_YJPUnv.c \
 -I./include -L./lib -L ../test021_xafull -l xadrv -ltms -latmisrvinteg -latmi \
 -lubf -lexuuid -lexthpool -lnstd -lrt -ldl -lm -lc -lpthread




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