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viewfile — Enduro/X VIEW Buffer descriptor file


Formal specification:

# First view in the file




# N view in the view file



Example view: (test.v):

#type    cname      fbname              count   flag    size    null

short    tshort1    T_SHORT_FLD         1       FS      -       2000
short    tshort2    T_SHORT_2_FLD       2       FSC     -       2001
short    tshort3    T_SHORT_3_FLD       3       FSC     -       -
short    tshort4    -                   1       N       -       NONE

long     tlong1     T_LONG_FLD          1       FS      -       0
int      tint2      T_LONG_2_FLD        2       FS       -       0
int      tint3      -                   1       -       -       -1
int      tint4      -                   2       -       -       -1

char     tchar1     T_CHAR_FLD          1       F       -       '\n'
char     tchar2     T_CHAR_2_FLD        5       SC      -       'A'
char     tchar3     T_CHAR_3_FLD        2       CN      -       -

float    tfloat1    T_FLOAT_FLD         4       FS      -       1.1
float    tfloat2    T_FLOAT_2_FLD       2       S       -       -
float    tfloat3    -                   1       N       -       9999.99

double   tdouble1   T_DOUBLE_FLD        2       FS      -       55555.99
double   tdouble2   T_DOUBLE_2_FLD      1       F       -       -999.123

string   tstring0   -                   3       -       18      '\n\t\f\\\'\"\vHELLOWORLD'
string   tstring1   T_STRING_FLD        3       FSP     20      'HELLO WORLDB'
string   tstring2   T_STRING_2_FLD      3       FCL     20      -
string   tstring3   T_STRING_3_FLD      4       FSCL    20      'TESTEST'
string   tstring4   -                   1       P       15      'HELLO TEST'
string   tstring5   -                   1       -       15      'MEGA TEST'

carray   tcarray1   T_CARRAY_FLD        1       FS      30      '\0\n\t\f\\\'\"\vHELLOWORLD'
carray   tcarray2   T_CARRAY_2_FLD      1       LFSP    25      '\0\n\t\f\\\'\"\vHELLOWORL\n'
carray   tcarray3   T_CARRAY_3_FLD      10      FSCLP   30      '\0\\\nABC\t\f\'\vHELLO'
carray   tcarray4   -                   1       -       5       'ABC'
carray   tcarray5   -                   1       -       5       -


Compiled header output (C language mode):

struct MYVIEW1 {
        short   tshort1;        /* null=2000 */
        short   C_tshort2;
        short   tshort2[2];     /* null=2001 */
        short   C_tshort3;
        short   tshort3[3];
        short   tshort4;        /* null=NONE */
        long    tlong1; /* null=0 */
        int     tint2[2];       /* null=0 */
        int     tint3;  /* null=-1 */
        int     tint4[2];       /* null=-1 */
        char    tchar1; /* null="\n" */
        short   C_tchar2;
        char    tchar2[5];      /* null="A" */
        short   C_tchar3;
        char    tchar3[2];
        float   tfloat1[4];     /* null=1.1 */
        float   tfloat2[2];
        float   tfloat3;        /* null=9999.99 */
        double  tdouble1[2];    /* null=55555.99 */
        double  tdouble2;       /* null=-999.123 */
        char    tstring0[3][18];        /* null="\n\t\f\\\'\"\vHELLOWORLD" */
        char    tstring1[3][20];        /* null="HELLO WORLDB" */
        short   C_tstring2;
        unsigned short  L_tstring2[3];
        char    tstring2[3][20];
        short   C_tstring3;
        unsigned short  L_tstring3[4];
        char    tstring3[4][20];        /* null="TESTEST" */
        char    tstring4[15];   /* null="HELLO TEST" */
        char    tstring5[15];   /* null="MEGA TEST" */
        char    tcarray1[30];   /* null="\0\n\t\f\\\'\"\vHELLOWORLD" */
        unsigned short  L_tcarray2;
        char    tcarray2[25];   /* null="\0\n\t\f\\\'\"\vHELLOWORL\n" */
        short   C_tcarray3;
        unsigned short  L_tcarray3[10];
        char    tcarray3[10][30];       /* null="\0\\\nABC\t\f\'\vHELLO" */
        char    tcarray4[5];    /* null="ABC" */
        char    tcarray5[5];


View files (usually with extension .v) describe the data block or structure which later is generated by viewc(8) binary. The view compiler generate C header file for view file. Also the compiler generate the object-file with extension .V. The object-file basically is the same view file except it contains platform specific meta data. For each platform (OS/CPU changes), view file shall be re- compiled. How ever during the middleware operations, the message view message produced on one platform is transferable on the other platform. This basically is the core view feature, so that programmer may operate with C structures, but the middleware ensures that structure is successfully delivered to the target system in cross platform way.

View files may describe single element or array of the element (e.g. tshort1). The arrays are supported for STRING and CARRAY fields too. In those cases those are two dimensional arrays.

For STRING and CARRAY types, length can be specified. The length is given in total number of bytes. So if you want to store "ABC", you will need to specify count 4, one extra byte for EOS (zero terminator).

The next section describes each of the view file elements.



Field type. This is how the field will be presented in the C structure. Following types are supported: short, long, char, float, double, string and carray. Carray is a blob, which might contain binary zero byte (0x00).
Field name in c structure. The rule against the field name applies the standard ones which applies to C variable names. viewc accepts max length of the 256 for the C identifier. But actual size is determined by compiler.
Optional UBF buffer field name. This is used by Bvstof(3) - convert C struct to UBF buffer. And by Bvftos(3) - convert UBF buffer to c structure. If the setup of the UBF field is not needed, then field can be skipped with "-" (minus sign in view file). In that case no mappings are processed. During the Bvstof and Bvftos invocation. If field is set, then FLAGS field changes the logic how the mapping is processed.
This array element count. As in view file each of the c fields can be array, this defines the behavior. If field is set to 1, then field is created as a normal one. If count > 1, then array is defined. The count cannot be less than 1, in such case view compiler will give an error. For CARRAY and string fields, count greater that 1 will create basically two dimensional array, where one dimension is count and another dimension is size.
There are defined several flags for the view file. For values see the section bellow. If not flags are set, then value "-" shall be used in view descriptor. Some options of the flags can be changed in the runtime with Bvopt(3) function.
Number of bytes for string or carray definition. For other field types it is not valid to be set and will cause viewc complication error. For string and carray it is mandatory to be set size set. For other types use value "-".
This is NULL value for the field. The NULL value indicates the value when it can be considered that field is empty. The NULL value is used for following cases: 1) When transferring data from C to UBF buffer by Bvstof(3). Each field is tested against NULL value. If field is NULL and the updated mode BUPDATE, then field is not copied to target buffer. In case of multiple occurrences, the occurrence will be lost if next C array element is not NULL. To use default NULL specification, use "-" field. Which means 0 for short/long/int. 0.0f for float/double, "" - for string and zero length carray. To encode special symbols, spaces in the NULL value, use single or double quoted string. The view compiler recognizes following escape sequences \0 - for 0x00 byte, \n, \t , \f, \\, "'", \", \v. For string NULLs the EOS terminator 0x00 byte is not needed. NULL values are used during the tpcalloc(3) operation. The buffer is initialized with default values by help of the Bvsinit(3) function. To set individual field to the NULL value use Bvselinit(3). To test the field for NULL value use Bvnull(3). If no NULL value is present for a field use keyworkd NONE wiht out quotes. In that case no value will be considered NULL. This will mean that any value will be transfered to UBF. And any value will be copied over to desination service when doing tpcall(3).


Map the field from C struct to UBF (will be processed by Bvstof(3)).
Map the field from UBF to C struct (will be processed by Bvftos(3)).
Do not perform UBF mappings at all (Bvstof(3), Bvftos(3) will skip the field in the same way as "-" value used for flags.).
Flag means generate count indicator for the field. The count field type is short. The count field is made as C_ prefix for the C field name. If other field is named as combination of C_ and this field name, then C compiler will generate error as duplicate member of the structure. The count field participates during the data transfer to UBF buffer via Bvstof(3), Bvftos(3) commands. For the transfer for to the UBF, the count will indicate occurrences to transfer. For example 0, will make zero transfer (buffer will not be setup). The count field participates also in structure transfer view tpcall(3) or other buffer related IPC operation. The actual data transferred to the target system will depend on count field. The other elements in target system will be initialized with NULL value, defined in view. If count field is not set (no C flag present), all occurrences will be sent to the target system. And all occurrences will be copied to the UBF buffer. When data is transferred from UBF to C structure, then count field is set to number occurrences are written in the structure. For sample reference, see C_tshort2 field and its original tshort2 definition.
If this flag is set, then additional length indicator(s) are generated. This is used to indicate the actual length for the CARRAY data, to be written to UBF buffer. If data is converted fro UBF buffer to C structure, then field will indicate the number of bytes copied to C structure. In case of strings, the field is updated only in case when data is copied from UBF to C struct, in that case it is set to number of bytes written to C struct. When converting from C to UBF, for strings this length value is ignored and EOS termination of the string are used for length indication. The length field is produced as prefix L_ for the given field. In the same way as for C, there might be conflict with duplicate field if another field is already as this field prefixed with L_. The field type is unsigned short. IF COUNT is greater than 1, then length indicators are array of unsigned short, because the length indication must be processed for each of the elements in array. If L flag is not set, then for carray full buffer size is copied to UBF and back. The length plays similar role for C struct data transfer over the tpcall(3) and other IPC operations. Only the number set it length are transferred to target service for the CARRAY fields.
Use last char of init value as filler of the rest for the string or *carray fields.


See atmitest/test040_typedview for sample usage.


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