

Bvoccur — Return number of view field array occurrences


#include <ubf.h>

BFLDOCC Bvoccur(char *cstruct, char *view, char *cname, BFLDOCC *maxocc, BFLDOCC *realocc, long *dim_size, int *fldtype);

Link with -lubf -lnstd -lm -lpthread


Return the occurrences set in buffer. This will either return C (C_<field>) count field value, or will return max array size. cstruct is view structure instance (object). view is view name of which cstruct is instance of. maxocc is number of maximum possible occurrences for view field (this is basically number defined in COUNT column in view file). maxocc is optional and can be NULL. realocc is number of filled occurrences in array tested from the C_<field> indicator position or from the end of the array. The realocc will return number of occurrences as number to which corresponds first non NULL element when testing from the end of the array. realocc is optional and can be NULL. dim_size returns the number bytes takes one view field element (or field it self if count is set to 1 in view file). fldtype is view field type, see BLFD_* constants.


On success, Bvoccur() returns number of field occurrences (max or set in count); on error, -1 is returned, with Berror set to indicate the error.


Bstrerror(3) can give more description for error (for last call).

BEINVAL view is NULL or empty, cname is NULL or empty, cstruct is null.

BBADVIEW view is not found in loaded view files (see VIEWDIR and VIEWFILES in ex_env(3).

BNOCNAME cname field is not present in view.


See atmitest/test040_typedview/vaccutil.c for sample code.


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