Enduro/X 7.0 Release

Enduro/X 7.0 is finally out. Major developments developments include Java support, PostgreSQL emulated XA driver, TMIB informative interface, NetXMS updated for inter-operation. Adding RHEL 8.x to release chain.
Added by Editor over 4 years ago

  1. Priority Subject
    #465 Bug test038_tpnotify failure of tpbridge with core
    #454 Feature tplogsetreqfile() feature for attempt to create folder, if file is missing and fails to create
    #460 Feature Plugin for debug interface
    #459 Support In SystemV mode test060_ndxdfork might cause locked child processes
    #457 Support add unit test for TPETIME when doing tpconnect
    #456 Feature xadmin start /stop shall wait if ndrxd is in non normal context
    #433 Bug ulimit -s unlimited causes tmsrv and tpbridge boot failure
    #436 Bug ud process core dumps when cache reallocates the buffer and output buffer is different (for tpcall) than input buffer
    #437 Feature new cache flag nosvcok
    #441 Bug cache key string build error
    #446 Bug move atmi buffer management to mutex locks instead of spinlocks
    #76 Feature Java bindings using JNI
    #158 Feature Tuxedo style MIB API
    #452 Bug ndrx_str_env_subs_len might process length incorrectly
    #415 Support endurox-java JNI Class/MethodID/FieldID cache
    #399 Support Add unit test for tmqueue transaction timeout.
    #421 Bug In Automatic transaction mode tmqueue forwarder fails to finish the failed transaction even tries exceeded
    #425 Bug ndrxd died queue reply to servers not waiting for reply (called with tpacall/TPNOREPLY)
    #409 Feature tmsrv optimizations
    #426 Support auto-buffer deallocation during the service processing
    #428 Bug xadmin rc non_existing_client core dumps
    #418 Feature Implement RM transaction manipulations - recoverlocal, commitlocal, abortlocal and forgetlocal
    #417 Bug tpcall in distributed transaction does not return correct tperrno using TPTRANSUSPEND
    #423 Bug test021 - too many arguments output error
    #414 Bug tpalloc/tprealloc calculates target buffer in fields, not in bytes
    #422 Support Base64 handling security improvements
    #413 Support XID internal processing
    #403 Support tpenqueue/ex shall allow NULL buffers
    #411 Feature xadmin - Terminal input handling improvement - command edit/auto completion/history
    #408 Bug tpdequeue might give wrong order messages

Release binary builds are in progress.
