Enduro/X 8.0 Release

Enduro/X 8.0 Major release
Added by Editor about 2 years ago


This is major strategic release. New release includes several overall improvements for the system stability, compatibility and performance. Major feature implemented is support for sub-UBF buffers (recursive buffers), support for PTR type fields in UBF and VIEW fields in UBF. New APIs have been added tpsetcallinfo() and tpgetcallinfo(). Platform independent network protocol mode for tpbridge has been refactored and receives performance boost as well as release includes full protocol description document. Another big feature for this release is inclusion of new tool "ubb2ex" which allows to perform automatic Oracle Tuxedo configuration file migration to Enduro/X format in matter of seconds. Tool performs best possible mapping to Enduro/X configuration, including, support for clustering, persistent queues, servers, services, routing. Migration document has been created which describes how manually to migrate from Oracle Tuxedo to Enduro/X. With this version AIX 7.3 builds are provided.

API changes

New APIs:

  • tpsetcallinfo()
  • tpgetcallinfo()
  • Bgetr(), Bgetrv(), CBgetr(), CBgetrv(), Bfindr(), Bfindrv(), CBfindr(), CBfindrv(), Bpresr(), Bpresrv(), CBvgetr(), CBvgetrv(), CBgetallocr(), CBgetallocrv(), Bvnullr(), Bvnullrv(), CBvgetallocr(), CBvgetallocrv() - for quick recursive field access

WARNING: Any UBF buffers saved as blobs shall be completed prior upgrade, due to UBF internal structure changes.

WARNING: Application must be re-built if migrating from 7.5, 7.0 or earlier Enduro/X version.


Support #63 - Network protocol document
Support #265 - xatmi.h TPEVCTL and TPSVCINFO service name length fixes
Support #753 - Restore SIGCHLD/SIGHUP/SIGTERM/SIGINT handlers to default after ndrxd/cpmsrv forks
Support #752 - mkfldhdr allow duplicate field IDs
Bug #701 - System-V switching server rqaddr requires full restart
Feature #211 - Write a document for Migration from Tuxedo to Enduro/X
Support #753 - Restore SIGCHLD/SIGHUP/SIGTERM/SIGINT handlers to default after ndrxd/cpmsrv forks
Support #752 - mkfldhdr allow duplicate field IDs
Feature #226 - Recursive UBF field support in UBF
Bug #601 - Bprint() shall escape BFLD_CHAR fields
Feature #518 - Add support for tpgetcallinfo() / tpsetcallinfo()
Support #622 - Baddfast() shall not allow to add bfldid lesser then previously added.
Feature #517 - New data types: PTR , FML32 and VIEW32
Support #599 - Parallel build support - issue with viewc
Support #554 - Bcmp / Fcmp32 shall return -2 on error
Bug #555 - Bextread / ud equal (=) operator might use corrupted data
Support #759 - ndrxd shall unlink local died local service queue, regardless of shared network service available or not
Bug #639 - ndebug.h api consider const char * to use for NDRX_LOG, etc. So that C++ would bark about warning: ISO C++ forbids converting...
Support #267 - Update getting started doc to use common configuration with xadmin provision
Bug #756 - tpcall sequence number may duplicate
Bug #755 - Request file logging tplogsetreqfile() may close stderr FILE desciptor, if one was used
Support #758 - Updated UID generatione algorythm
Support #761 - ndrxd reduce log levels

Release availability

See https://www.mavimax.com/downloads
