
  • Registered on: 03/09/2021
  • Last connection: 04/18/2021


Reported issues: 0


12:32 AM Enduro/X Core Migration to Enduro/X: RE: Migration from Oracle TUXEDO
So I'm slowly working through the options here.
I have setup two XATMI servers (different docker containers) with ...


06:26 PM Enduro/X Core Enduro/X development: RE: View files 32 bit capable?
Oh, I see that too.
The number of elements to be allocated (that is, the maximum number of occurren...
06:00 PM Enduro/X Core Enduro/X other questions: RE: Enduro/X on AWS Graviton2 processor.
Got it, thanks, $ yum install rpm-build was what I was missing.


07:01 PM Enduro/X Core Enduro/X other questions: Enduro/X on AWS Graviton2 processor.
I have been able to build endurox, endurox-connect and endurox-java on AWS Graviton2 platform and so far it see...
06:53 PM Enduro/X Core Enduro/X development: View files 32 bit capable?
I tried to compile an existing TUXEDO view32 file that had this line in it...
string xxx_fm_detailssub_no ...


03:04 AM Enduro/X Core Migration to Enduro/X: RE: Migration from Oracle TUXEDO
Thank you for the very full and prompt reply.
I built the distribution as 32 bit binaries and libraries after addi...


10:14 PM Enduro/X Core Migration to Enduro/X: Migration from Oracle TUXEDO
I have two question.
Is it possible to build a 32 bit Enduro/X for use on a 64 bit X86 platform (not just 32 bit A...

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