
Enduro/X 7.0 Release

Added by Editor over 4 years ago

  1. Priority Subject
    #465 Bug test038_tpnotify failure of tpbridge with core
    #454 Feature tplogsetreqfile() feature for attempt to create folder, if file is missing and fails to create
    #460 Feature Plugin for debug interface
    #459 Support In SystemV mode test060_ndxdfork might cause locked child processes
    #457 Support add unit test for TPETIME when doing tpconnect
    #456 Feature xadmin start /stop shall wait if ndrxd is in non normal context
    #433 Bug ulimit -s unlimited causes tmsrv and tpbridge boot failure
    #436 Bug ud process core dumps when cache reallocates the buffer and output buffer is different (for tpcall) than input buffer
    #437 Feature new cache flag nosvcok
    #441 Bug cache key string build error
    #446 Bug move atmi buffer management to mutex locks instead of spinlocks
    #76 Feature Java bindings using JNI
    #158 Feature Tuxedo style MIB API
    #452 Bug ndrx_str_env_subs_len might process length incorrectly
    #415 Support endurox-java JNI Class/MethodID/FieldID cache
    #399 Support Add unit test for tmqueue transaction timeout.
    #421 Bug In Automatic transaction mode tmqueue forwarder fails to finish the failed transaction even tries exceeded
    #425 Bug ndrxd died queue reply to servers not waiting for reply (called with tpacall/TPNOREPLY)
    #409 Feature tmsrv optimizations
    #426 Support auto-buffer deallocation during the service processing
    #428 Bug xadmin rc non_existing_client core dumps
    #418 Feature Implement RM transaction manipulations - recoverlocal, commitlocal, abortlocal and forgetlocal
    #417 Bug tpcall in distributed transaction does not return correct tperrno using TPTRANSUSPEND
    #423 Bug test021 - too many arguments output error
    #414 Bug tpalloc/tprealloc calculates target buffer in fields, not in bytes
    #422 Support Base64 handling security improvements
    #413 Support XID internal processing
    #403 Support tpenqueue/ex shall allow NULL buffers
    #411 Feature xadmin - Terminal input handling improvement - command edit/auto completion/history
    #408 Bug tpdequeue might give wrong order messages

Release binary builds are in progress.

Enduro/X 6.0 released

Added by Editor over 5 years ago

Mavimax Ltd announced release of Enduro/X 6.0 middleware. With this release significant development have been done for Unix operating system support. As with time, it was shown that Posix queues are not reliability implemented on other Unix operating systems than GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. Thus to ensure that Enduro/X can perform well on such systems as IBM AIX and Oracle Solaris, Mavimax have invested significant resources into providing new version of Enduro/X. Now standard releases for Unixes are done on System V message queue IPC resources. Other improvements of Enduro/X includes new APIs for being more compatible with competitor software. This version of Enduro/X also includes works done for upcoming Java package, thus product is able to handle different styles on how server binaries are started, including modes with wrapper scripts.

Version 6.0 also introduces support of Oracle SPARC CPU architecture for enterprise grade processing. Release cycle now delivers Enduro/X for IBM AIX 7.1 (powerpc), Oracle Solaris 10 (sparc), For x86_64 architecture release is made for Oracle Solaris 11, Suse Enterprise Linux Server (SLES) 12 and 15, Ubuntu Server 14, 16, 18, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7.

As usual release includes bug fixes, discovered in the development cycle.

List of fixes and updates can be located here:

Oracle Linux releases UEK 5

Added by Editor over 5 years ago

With this announced release [[]] it is highly recommended to move upgrade to this kernel when using Enduro/X middle-ware.

The benefit for Enduro/X is related with fact that this kernel version offers EPOLLEXCLUSIVE feature. Meaning that highly load balanced server processes won't be waken up for nothing, just to get the notification that some other process have already pulled workload from queue. The EPOLLEXCLUSIVE ensures that only one sleeping process is waken if there are some message arrived on service queue. Even if say 500 load balanced XATMI servers are waiting for message.

The tests was performed here [[]]. This now this feature is available in enterprise grade Operating system. After some 3 years :)

Community feedback

Added by Editor almost 6 years ago

During the testing the results shows that Enduro/X shows goods results with RPC
style calls. For Oneway testing (publish only), Apache Kafka was the best. But
downside for Kafka is that calls were not blocked, thus “dirty” solution was to
restart the sending message to the queue while the Enduro/X no “dirty fixes” are
needed, as when the queue is full, the process blocks and waits for free space.
Then after all the ActiveMQ with Go STOMP client was also showing good results
when message size increased. But the downside with STOMP client was that, during
the testing, the client got disconnected for some reason. RabbitMQ also seems to
be stable platform and no special fixes were needed to execute the test cases
(except that channel send must be used to get “blocked” style calls). RabbitMQ
showed quite good stable results.

Enduro/X 5.3 released

Added by Editor about 6 years ago

New version of Enduro/X offers configuration of XATMI service cache by means of administrative configuration. No additional programming is required to enable service cache. The service cache allows to increase the performance of existing applications which are using Enduro/X. Cache using proven LMDB memory mapped file technology, which allows to create a persisted and non persisted caches. The Enduro/X configuration allows to create distributed caches where data of caches is synchronized between cluster nodes. The configuration allows to define rules when data shall be cached and shall be invalidated. Caches can be limited by different strategies. Cached data can be marked with expiry too.

For configuration details see tpcached(3) man page. For configuration examples see

This version also includes other bugfixes and small improvements.

List of fixes:
Feature #272, Bug #291, Feature #287, Bug #290, Support #279, Feature #294, Bug #293

Stable release version is: 5.3.4+.

Enduro/X 5.2 Released

Added by Editor over 6 years ago

Major work on support for PCI/DSS mandatory configuration encryption have been performed. Now Enduro/X is capable of encrypt and decrypt sections of configuration file. Provided command line utilities "exencrypt" and "exdecrypt" for encryption use in scripts. Introduction of plugin architecture (currently used for crypto key providers) So that software vendors may implement it's own algorithms for symmetrical encryption key storage.

Implemented tpconvert() ATMI call. Other feature now is that "@global" section for ini files are read twice, meaning that in ini file user may reference to previously defined env/global variable.

Overall fixes: #261 Bug, #118 Feature, #237 Feature, #236 Bug, #245 Feature, #258 Support, #259 Support, #255 Bug, #254 Bug.

Enduro/X 5.1 released

Added by Editor over 6 years ago

Enduro/X 5.1 have been released. The main changes in this version is support for big message sizes. Up till version 5.0 the max message size in system was limited to 64KB. Now with version 5.1 and upwards, the limit is removed. Now message size is limited by the Operating System - POSIX Message queue subsystem. More details about message queue, please see Enduro/X Admin Manual.

Other notable changes which are included in this release, is Client Process Monitor (cpmsrv) and corresponding command line utilities like "xadmin bc", "xadmin rc" and "xadmin sc" now are capable to handle the client tags and subsections by wild card matching. Symbol "%" can be used for substituting any string. Also CPMSRV command line utilities accept tag/subsection with out any extra arguments. For more information see xadmin's man page

There are few bugfixes made in tpbridge. The tpbridge protocol mode TLV is changed, now data length is encoded in 4 bytes (instead of 2). There are few performance improvements made in system with this release. Changes in UBF library to not to perform free space memset to zero. Also few buffer copies are eliminated from tpbridge. Tpbridge also got extra data validity checks to avoid buffer overruns in case of defective TCP packets.

Changes: Feature #127, Bug #229, Feature #230, Bug #234, Feature #244, Bug #243, Feature #248, Bug #240, Bug #238.

Enduro/X 3.5.9 Released

Added by Editor almost 7 years ago

- #160 Feature Closed High Add feature to XA subsystem so that if tpbegin() fails, then do tpclose/tpopen/tpbegin again

In short, in some customer environments setups, the aggressive firewalls might drop the connection which have been established to database via tpopen(internally xa_open). In those cases if Transaction Manager Server (tmsrv) have been long standing with out activity, the connection might be dropped. Then next incoming request for new transaction might fail with different errors. Thus to address this issue new "NDRX_XA_FLAGS" environment variable have been added. It is tag-value based parameter. Currently new tag "RECON" have been added.

Excerpt from manpage

           Special for XA sub-system. It is semicolon separated tags with values. currently tag RECON is defined.  RECON tag defines the
           number of attempts of xa_close()/xa_open() and doing xa_start() again in case if original xa_start() failed (the ATMI call
           tpbegin()) - for example firewall have been closed the connection. The format for the tag is: RECON:<comma separated list of
           error codes e.g. 4,-8,* - any err>:<number of attempts>:<sleep between attempts milli-sec> example: RECON:*:3:100, meaning
           reconnect on any xa_start error, do the 3x attempts, sleep 100 milliseconds between attempts.

The parameter shall be set in environment file, or Common-Configuration [@global] section.

Enduro/X 3.5.7 Release

Added by Editor almost 7 years ago

Following bugfixes are made:

#148 Bug Closed Normal Bdelall corrupts ubf buffer
#110 Bug Closed High tpbridge does not report connection status to ndrxd after ndrxd is restarted for recovery

1 2 3 (11-20/27)

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